The Wellness Model™

Designed for those who want to address illness & support optimal health using whole food & supplementation.

The Wellness Model uses a four-pronged approach, focusing on the core body foundations through epigenetics that everyone, especially those with Lyme & autoimmune disease, needs to address for optimal health.

Nutrition & Digestive Health

There is a saying “You are what you eat”, but science and functional medicine is showing us that you are only “what you digest”. Nutrient dense meals paired with optimal digestion are paramount in repairing your gut integrity, building your microbiome diversity, and fueling your body with the nutrients it needs to recover and thrive.

Mindset & Mental Wellness

Your brain, the emotional responses you have, and all of the organs in your body share a common chemical language and are constantly communicating with one another. Therefore, your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes can directly affect your biological functioning. This complex interrelationship means that you must address your mindset & mental wellness, in addition to your physical body in order to achieve wellness.

Hormones & Metabolism

Your hormones, the chemical messengers of the body, are involved in every aspect of your health. They can affect your sleep, energy, mindset, metabolism, and organ function. Many hormones work together synergistically, allowing your body systems to communicate and work together. This delicate balance is necessary for your body to run optimally.

Lifestyle & Functional Movement

You live in a toxic world, exposing your body to things it can’t naturally detox on a regular basis. From household cleaners to plastic food storage containers. Even the amount and type of movement you provide your body can be detrimental if done incorrectly. The saying “You can’t out exercise your diet and lifestyle” rings true here and balance is key to wellness.

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