Get Symptom Relief Now!

Personalized Paleo

Autoimmune Healing Through Food

Finally, a customizable, self-paced, step-by-step program that transitions YOU into the person your body NEEDS YOU to be using a unique paleo to autoimmune paleo approach.

Say goodbye to stomach aches, headaches, brain fog, fatigue, & joint pain in just a few weeks. PLUS, using the personalized assessments, YOU decide how in depth YOU want to go.

Paleo-ish, okay. Predominately paleo, sure. Autoimmune paleo, now we’re talking. When YOUR body is happy & symptom free, you’re done eliminating and ready to PERSONALIZE PALEO FOR YOU!

Whether struggling with a diagnosed illness like Hashimoto's or Lyme, or ready to address day to day symptoms that doctor's have no answers for, this program WILL HELP YOU!

Everyone deserves to “live” while they’re alive without constant pain & autoimmune symptoms, including YOU!

Find Out What Foods Work With Your Body,

Not Against It

  • Say yes to a plan that runs at YOUR pace
  • Say yes to a plan that is realistic, maintainable, and on YOUR terms
  • Say no to calorie counting
  • Say no to restricted eating and hunger pains
  • Say yes to eating without fear and FOOD FREEDOM!!

What You'll Recieve

  • Online self-paced program with over 90 videos and downloadable worksheets ($997 value)
  • 8 personal assessments to evaluate your progress along the way ($297 value)
  • Community support through an intimate forum (Priceless!)
  • Foundational nutrition education ($997 value)
  • Meal plans for each phase of the program from Unrefined Junkie ($297 value)
  • Digestion hacks for optimal function (Priceless!)
  • Lifetime supplement and protocol discounts (Priceless!)
  • BONUS! You'll also get access to enter the Functional Wellness Membership for 10% OFF EVERY MONTH with masterclasses, recipes, my audiobook, and so much more! ($397 value)
  • BONUS! Lifetime access to all Course Content, plus any new updates added! ($997 value)


Join the others who have taken the steps to improve their digestion and life with this customizable, self-paced, step-by-step Wellness Model program.

Everyone deserves to truly live, including YOU!

Step 1: Information
Step 2: Checkout


This program sells for $497 but is yours TODAY for only $197. Your information is secure and will not be shared.

30 day money back guarantee

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